• Dad and Partner Pay Evaluation

    The project is an evaluation of the Australian Government’s Dad and Partner Pay (DaPP) scheme. DaPP aims to create new opportunities for fathers and partners to bond with their newborn child, and allow them to take a larger share of caring responsibilities for their newborn children. The project involves assessment of leave uptake by fathers and partners, and other aspects of fathers and partners involvement with newborns, before and after DaPP’s commencement.
  • Social Networks & Health & Wellbeing

    Social science and social policy increasingly recognise that people’s family, friendship and other networks matter for their health and well-being. This research contributes to the social scientific understanding of networks and their effects in developed and developing societies and will also inform policy and program design to delivery in areas relating to individual and community well-being.
  • Paid Parental Leave Evaluation

    This project is an evaluation of the Australian government’s Paid Parental Leave (PPL) scheme which commenced on January 1, 2011. The evaluation, which began in 2010, was commissioned by the then Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (now the Department of Social Services, DSS), and will be completed in early 2014.


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