The role of the ISSR Advisory Board is to provide independent advice and guidance to the ISSR Director and the University of Queensland (UQ) with respect to the Institute’s strategic direction and performance.

Dr Paul Jelfs (Chair)
Retired, formerly Australian Bureau of Statistics
Ms Christine Castley
Chief Executive Officer, Multicultural Australia
Ms Liz Hefren-Web
Deputy Secretary, Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Rebecca McGarrity
Ms Rebecca McGarrity PSM
Deputy Director-General, Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet

Brad Murphy
Professor Brad Murphy OAM
Rural Generalist/Practice Principal, Ashfield Country Practice, Co-Chair of Indigenous Wisdom Council, Faculty of Medicine, UQ
Adjunct Professor Neville Plint
​​​​​Chief Executive Officer, Mining3

Carla Treloar
Scientia Professor Carla Treloar AM
Scientia Professor, Centre for Social Research in Health and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW
Professor Heather Zwicker
Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, UQ

Rachel Parker
Professor Rachel Parker
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), UQ

Professor Lisa McDaid
Director, Institute for Social Science Research, UQ
Dr Tyrone Ridgway
Deputy Director (Strategy and Operations), Institute for Social Science Research, UQ


For general enquiries contact:
+61 7 3346 7471