Researcher Biography

Monika is a public health researcher with background in statistics and analytics with over 6 years of professional experience of working on various health and development related issues. She has conducted research on various thematic such as climate change, air pollution, mental health, Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health, and Nutrition (RMNCH+N), family planning, HIV/AIDS, and community mobilization interventions among marginalized populations.

Her PhD research work falls under the QUEX Institute’s overarching banner of ‘Global Sustainability and Wellbeing’. Monika’s PhD project – Climate change and mental health across UK and Australia explores linkages between climate change-related mental health conditions, especially among priority groups.

PhD Topic

Climate change and mental health across Australia and the UK


  • Dr Anne Cleary, Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland, Australia (Principal)
  • Dr Ben Wheeler, European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter, UK (Associate)

Research Interests

  • Climate change
  • Mental health
  • Public health
  • Priority groups
  • Environment and human health