ISSR short courses

As one of Australia’s largest social science institutions, researchers at The University of Queensland’s Institute for Social Science Research address some of the most important issues and challenges facing the country today. ISSR’s work is broad, multi-disciplinary, and informed by the latest developments in social science theory and methods.

We deliver commercial services and expert training courses to public and private sector organisations, bridging the gap between those who work with statistics and social data, and those who need to apply them to create effective policies. 

The ISSR Social Research Methods Courses are designed for those who need to use, understand, and interpret social research data, but who may not have a background or training in qualitative or quantitative data analysis, and/or research methods. Our courses are ideal for professionals in government, non-government organisations, university staff and postgraduate students who want to learn more about methods for social analysis and translate scientific social research into public policy outcomes. 

Our courses provide participants with practical skills and content-relevant knowledge that they can immediately apply to their work, such as:

  • How to construct, collate and interpret questions of social significance
  • How to use social data to inform evidence-based policies and programs
  • How to recognise the quality and robustness of research sources



+61 7 336 56068

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Gathering and Analysing Qualitative Data

Social Research Methods Part 1

Learn how to design, collect, analyse and make evidence-informed decisions based on qualitative or mixed methods data.

Delivery: Online

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Evaluating Social, Health and Human Service Programs

Social Research Methods Part 2

Develop your skills to plan, conduct and commission social, health or human service program evaluations with our expert team.

Delivery: Online

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Social Cost-Benefit Analysis

Social Research Methods Part 3

Develop the skills to understand and conduct cost-benefit analyses for social projects.

Delivery: Online

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Longitudinal Data Analysis

Social Research Methods Part 4

Dive into topics pivotal for organisations using longitudinal data for research and decision-making.

Delivery: Online

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Data literacy, storytelling and influencing decision-makers

Social Research Methods Part 5

Learn to identify, interpret and draw informed conclusions from a range of data sources, and translate these insights into compelling narratives to influence policy and practice. 

Delivery: Online

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Survey Design

Social Research Methods Part 6

Learn how to identify when a survey is appropriate, choose a suitable sampling method and survey mode, create a valid, quality, well tested instrument and adhere to ethical guidelines. 

Delivery: Online

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Principles of Research Design

Social Research Methods Part 7

This course delves into the fundamentals of conducting research including formulating research questions, identifying research problems, data collection methods, evaluating research quality and understanding ethical considerations.

Delivery: Online

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Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis

Social Research Methods Part 8

Learn the fundamentals of data handling and statistical analysis for social science research.

Delivery: Online

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Regression Analysis

Social Research Methods Part 9

This course will provide students with an understanding of regression modelling techniques, while allowing for hands-on coding examples in R or Stata.

Delivery: Online

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Data Wrangling with R: An Introduction

Social Research Methods Part 10

This course will equip participants with the data wrangling skills needed to prepare research data for analysis using R.

Delivery: Online

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Factor Analysis

Social Research Methods Part 11

Explore the concepts, methodologies, and applications of Factor Analysis, focusing on both Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).

Delivery: Online

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