Dr Julie Dean
Project Manager
Institute for Social Science Research
+61 7 344 31043
Researcher biography
Dr. Julie Dean is a social scientist and registered psychologist at the Institute for Social Sciences Research. She has training in clinical and community psychology, with wide-ranging professional experience in university, government and non-government sectors. Her research interests focus around linkages between human health/well-being and the multiple contexts in which we live, including support for families experiencing perinatal loss, people with chronic illness and people with intellectual disability, as well as approaches to concurrently foster both human health and environmental sustainability.
Journal Articles
Cooke, Anna, Benham, Claudia, Butt, Nathalie and Dean, Julie (2024). Ecological grief literacy: Approaches for responding to environmental loss. Conservation Letters, 17 (3) e13018, 1-9. doi: 10.1111/conl.13018
Dean, Julie, Cleary, Anne, Ma, Tianyi, McDaid, Lisa, Pollock, Danielle and Boyle, Frances (2023). Scoping review of nature-based interventions in bereavement care: what are the implications for perinatal loss?. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 8 (1) 100690, 100690. doi: 10.1016/j.ssaho.2023.100690
Fatima, Yaqoot, Liu, Yongbo, Cleary, Anne, Dean, Julie, Smith, Valance, King, Stephanie and Solomon, Shaun (2023). Connecting the health of country with the health of people: application of “caring for country” in improving the social and emotional well-being of Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand. The Lancet Regional Health. Western Pacific, 31 100648, 100648. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2022.100648
Loughnan, Siobhan A., Boyle, Frances M., Ellwood, David, Crocker, Sara, Lancaster, Ann, Astell, Chrissie, Dean, Julie, Horey, Dell, Callander, Emily, Jackson, Claire, Shand, Antonia and Flenady, Vicki (2022). Living with Loss: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating an internet-based perinatal bereavement program for parents following stillbirth and neonatal death. Trials, 23 (1) 464. doi: 10.1186/s13063-022-06363-0
Boyle, Frances M., Horey, Dell, Dean, Julie H., Lohan, Aditi, Middleton, Philippa and Flenady, Vicki (2022). Perinatal bereavement care during COVID-19 in Australian maternity settings. Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 50 (6), 822-831. doi: 10.1515/jpm-2021-0441
Cleary, Anne, Dean, Julie, Pollock, Danielle, McDaid, Lisa and Boyle, Fran (2021). Nature-based interventions for bereavement care: a scoping review protocol. JBI Evidence Synthesis, Publish Ahead of Print (5), 1344-1352. doi: 10.11124/jbies-21-00215
Boyle, Frances M., Horey, Dell, Dean, Julie H., Loughnan, Siobhan, Ludski, Keren, Mead, Jacquelyn, Homer, Caroline SE, de Wilde, Deborah, Morris, Jonathan and Flenady, Vicki J. (2020). Stillbirth in Australia 5: Making respectful care after stillbirth a reality: The quest for parent-centred care. Women and Birth, 33 (6), 531-536. doi: 10.1016/j.wombi.2020.08.006
Shanahan, Danielle F., Astell–Burt, Thomas, Barber, Elizabeth A., Brymer, Eric, Cox, Daniel T.C., Dean, Julie, Depledge, Michael, Fuller, Richard A., Hartig, Terry, Irvine, Katherine N., Jones, Andy, Kikillus, Heidy, Lovell, Rebecca, Mitchell, Richard, Niemelä, Jari, Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark, Pretty, Jules, Townsend, Mardie, van Heezik, Yolanda, Warber, Sara and Gaston, Kevin J. (2019). Nature–based interventions for improving health and wellbeing: the purpose, the people and the outcomes. Sports, 7 (6) 141, 141. doi: 10.3390/sports7060141
Crockford, C. N., Dean, A. J., Reid, S. and Dean, J. H. (2018). Conservation values and risk of handling bats: implications for One Health communication. EcoHealth, 15 (3), 682-687. doi: 10.1007/s10393-018-1356-z
Dean, Julie H., Shanahan, Danielle F., Bush, Robert, Gaston, Kevin J., Lin, Brenda B., Barber, Elizabeth, Franco, Lara and Fuller, Richard A. (2018). Is nature relatedness associated with better mental and physical health?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (7) 1371, 1371. doi: 10.3390/ijerph15071371
Boyle, Frances M., Dean, Julie H., Young, Charlotte E. and Mutch, Allyson J. (2016). Why do people with chronic disease not contact consumer health organisations? A survey of general practice patients. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 17 (4), 393-404. doi: 10.1017/S146342361500050X
Shanahan, Danielle F., Bush, Robert, Gaston, Kevin J., Lin, Brenda B., Dean, Julie, Barber, Elizabeth and Fuller, Richard A. (2016). Health benefits from nature experiences depend on dose. Scientific Reports, 6 (28551) 28551, 1-10. doi: 10.1038/srep28551
Boyle, Frances M., Mutch, Allyson J., Barber, Elizabeth A., Carroll, Christine and Dean, Julie H. (2015). Supporting parents following pregnancy loss: A cross-sectional study of telephone peer supporters. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 15 (1) 291, 291.1-291.10. doi: 10.1186/s12884-015-0713-y
van Dooren, Kate, Dean, Julie, Boyle, Frances M., Taylor-Gomez, Miram and Lennox, Nicholas G. (2015). Consider the support worker in the role of health assessments. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 29 (6), 585-586. doi: 10.1111/jar.12211
Shanahan, Danielle F., Lin, Brenda B., Bush, Robert, Gaston, Kevin J., Dean, Julie H., Barber, Elizabeth and Fuller, Richard A. (2015). Toward improved public health outcomes from urban nature. American Journal of Public Health, 105 (3), 470-477. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2014.302324
Edwards, Niki, Bain, Chris, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie and Lennox, Nicholas (2014). A multi-level ecological model of psychotropic prescribing to adults with intellectual disability. Advances in Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities, 8 (1), 24-31. doi: 10.1108/AMHID-01-2013-0001
Lennox, N. G., Brolan, C. E., Dean, J., Ware, R. S., Boyle, F. M., Taylor Gomez, M., van Dooren, K. and Bain, C. (2013). General practitioners’ views on perceived and actual gains, benefits and barriers associated with the implementation of an Australian health assessment for people with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57 (10), 913-922. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01586.x
Brolan, C. E., Boyle, F. M., Dean, J. H., Taylor Gomez, M., Ware, R. S. and Lennox, N. G. (2012). Health advocacy: a vital step in attaining human rights for adults with intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56 (11), 1087-1097. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2788.2012.01637.x
Cohen, Lynne, Dean, Julie, Gridley, Heather, Hogea, Rebecca, Robinson, Ken, Sampson, Emma, Sibbel, Anne and Turner, Colleen (2012). Lobbying for endorsement of community psychology in Australia. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 3 (2), 1-37.
Dean, Julie, van Dooren, Kate and Weinstein, Philip (2011). Does biodiversity improve mental health in urban settings?. Medical Hypotheses, 76 (6), 877-880. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2011.02.040
Dean, Julie H., Boyle, Frances M., Mutch, Allyson J. and Ostini, Remo (2011). Patient activation among people who contact chronic disease related consumer health organizations. International Public Health Journal, 4 (1), 43-49.
Boyle, Frances M., Mutch, Allyson J., Dean, Julie H., Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Christopher B. (2011). Increasing access to consumer health organisations among patients with chronic disease – a randomised trial of a print-based intervention. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 12 (3), 245-254. doi: 10.1017/S1463423610000496
Young, Charlotte E., Mutch, Allyson J., Boyle, Frances M. and Dean, Julie H. (2010). Investigating referral pathways from primary care to consumer health organisations. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 16 (3), 260-267. doi: 10.1071/PY09081
Boyle, FM, Mutch, AJ, Dean, JH, Dick, ML and Del Mar, CB (2009). Consumer health organisations for people with diabetes and arthritis: Who contacts them and why?. HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 17 (6), 628-635. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2009.00864.x
Dean, Julie H. and Bush, Robert A. (2007). A Community Psychology View of Environmental Organization Processes. American Journal of Community Psychology, 40 (1-2), 146-166. doi: 10.1007/s10464-007-9123-2
Dean, J. and Bush, R. (2007). Differences and similarities between government and community environmental organisations: A study in South East Queensland. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 14 (3), 192-201. doi: 10.1080/14486563.2007.10648716
Boyle, F. M., Donald, M., Dean, J. H., Conrad, S. and Mutch, A. J. (2007). Mental health promotion and non-profit health organisations. Health and Social Care in the Community, 15 (6), 553-560. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2524.2007.00712.x
Mutch, A. J., Dean, J. and Boyle, F. M. (2005). Using medical education to develop referral pathways from General Practice to the community. Third Sector Review, 11 (1), 9-19.
Boyle, Frances M., Posner, T. Natasha, Mutch, Allyson J., Farley, Rebecca M., Dean, Julie H. and Nilsson, Anne-Louise (2002). The Building Partnerships Program: An Approach to Community-based Learning for Medical Students in Australia. Medical Education Online, 7 (12), 1-6.
Boyle, Frances M., Posner, T. Natasha, Mutch, Allyson J., Farley, Rebecca M., Dean, Julie H. and Nilsson, Anne-Louise (2002). The building partnerships program: an approach to community-based learning for medical students in Australia. Medical Education Online, 7 (12). doi: 10.3402/meo.v7i.4546
Luszcz, MA and Dean, J (1999). Behavioural adjuncts of confusion: How lucid nursing home residents cope with confused co-residents' behaviour. Australian Psychologist, 34 (2), 149-154. doi: 10.1080/00050069908257445
Conference Papers
Bell, S. F. E., Coffey, L., Mullens, A. M., Redmond, A. M., Debattista, J., Phillips, T. M., Warner, M., Finch, A., White, J., Gilks, C. F. and Dean, J. A. (2023). Vending machines can increase access to HIV testing for diverse groups at risk of HIV and STI: facilitators for use and additional opportunities. Australasian Sexual and Reproductive Health Conference, Sydney, NSW Australia, 18-20 September 2023. CLAYTON: CSIRO PUBLISHING.
Ludski, Keren, Polacska, Margaret, Boyle, Fran and Dean, Julie (2023). "You're the first person that I've been able to talk to": Bereaved parents' experiences of the Red Nose Hospital to Home Program. International Stillbirth Alliance, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 29 June-2 July 2023.
Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2009). Development and assessment of print-based information to encourage use of consumer health organisations. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 July 2009. Online: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service (PHC RIS).
Boyle, F., Dean, J., Mutch, A., Dick.M-L and Del Mar, C. (2008). Consumer health organisations: An under-utilised resource for people with chronic illness. Population Health Congress: A Global World - Practical Action for Health and Well-being, Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Queensland, 6-9 July 2008.
Mutch, A., Boyle, F. and Dean, J. (2008). Participation in Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations: Engaging Consumers for Better Health Outcomes. 8th International Conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR), Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 July 2008. Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A: International Society for Third Sector Research.
Mutch, Allyson, Boyle, Fran, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2008). Embedding consumer health organisations into the primary care system: The benefits for chronic disease management. 2008 General Practice & Primary Health Care Research Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 4 - 6 June 2008. Primary Health Care Research and Information Service.
Dean, Julie, Mutch, Allyson, Boyle, Fran, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2007). Is patient activation to self-manage chronic illness increased by contact with community based health organisations?. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, 23-25 May, 2007. Adelaide, SA: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service.
Dean, J., Boyle, F., Mutch, A., Dick, M-L. and Del Mar, C. (2007). Does contact with community-based health organisations increase engagement in health care for people with chronic illness?. 42nd Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference, Brisbane, 25-29 September, 2007. Melbourne: Australian Psychological Society.
Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2007). Community-based health organisations: their contribution to chronic illness care. General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour, 23-25 May, 2007. Adelaide, SA: Primary Health Care Research & Information Service.
Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie and Boyle, Fran (2006). Health-Based Nonprofit Organisations – Exploring the Characteristics of Service Users. Australia and New Zealand Third Sector Research Eighth Biennial Conference: Navigating New Waters, Adelaide, Australia, 26-28 November 2006. ANZTSR.
Conrad, Sue, Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dick, Marie-Louise, Dean, Julie and Del Mar, Chris (2006). What do community based health organisations really do, and what is their future in the primary health care system?. RACGP 49th Annual Scientific Convention: Be the Future, Brisbane, Australia, 5-8 October 2006.
Boyle, F., Dean, J., Del Mar, C., Dick, M-L. and Mutch, A. J. (2006). Chronic Illness Care in the Community - Exploring the Contributions of Community Based Health Organisations. General Practice and Primary Health Care conference, Perth, WA, 5-7 July 2006.
Boyle, F., Dick, M. L., Mutch, A., Dean, J. and Del Mar, C. (2005). The contribution of self-help organisations to chronic disease self-management, and their linkages with general practitioners. 2005 GP & PHC Research Conference: Getting Research Right for Policy and Practice, Adelaide, Australia, 26-28 July, 2005. South Australia: Primary Health Care Research and Information Service..
Dean, Julie (2002). Linking environmental organisations and community psychosocial dimensions to making a difference. Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference, Making a Difference: From Research to the Real World, Gold Coast, Qld, Australia, 27 September-1 October 2002. Basingtoke, UK: Taylor and Francis.
Working Paper
Smith, K., Bellotti, W., Davey, T., Dean, J., Durham, J., Ferguson, M., Muriuki, G., Oliver, G., Schubert, L. and Xu, H. (2017). Food system governance in Australia: Co-creating the recipe for change. Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland.
Dean, Julie Helen (2003). Environmental organisation achievements : the role of psychosocial processes. PhD Thesis, School of Population Health, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/252065
Research Reports
Boyle, Fran, Diminic, Sandra, Chatterton, Mary Lou, Salom, Caroline, Dean, Julie H., Huang, Yanshu, Lee, Yong Yi, Harris, Meredith, Yousef, Noor, Lohan, Aditi, Juckel, Jennifer and Marrington, Shelby (2024). Evaluation services for the SANE pilot for people with complex mental health needs: Final report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Fran Boyle, Aditi Lohan, Julie Dean, Tamina Islam, Siobhan Loughnan, Noor Yousef and Caroline Salom (2023). Informing best practice bereavement support services at Red Nose: Progress report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
Boyle, F.M., Diminic, S., Chatterton, M.L., Maravilla, J., Dean, J.H., Harris, M., Lee, Y.Y., Marrington, S., Yousef, N. and Salom, C. (2023). Evaluation of services for the SANE Australia pilot for people with complex mental health needs: Interim Report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
Boyle, F. M., Boyd, R. N., Burgess, A., Cairney, J., Carle, M., Dean, J., Lohan, A., Luke, C., Vlack, S. and Wheeler, K. (2023). Scoping and gap analysis of tools, resources and training for primary health care professionals, and tools and resources for parents and carers, on early detection of disability or developmental concerns in young children - Final Report. Brisbane: The University of Queensland.
Boyle, Fran, Dean, Julie, Tran, Nam, Lohan, Aditi, Thomas, Natalie, Biswas, Tuhin and Salom, Caroline (2022). Scoping and gap analysis of undergraduate resources in intellectual disability health. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.
Boyle, F. M. and Dean, J. H. (2022). Red Nose Hospital to Home Program evaluation final report. Brisbane, QLD Australia: The University of Queensland.
Boyle, F. M. and Dean, J. H. (2021). Red Nose Hospital to Home Program evaluation interim report. Brisbane, QLD, Australia: The University of Queensland.
Thomas, N., Dean, J., Lohan, A., Maravilla, J. C., Salom, C. L. and Boyle, F. M. (2021). DFV Specialist Health Workforce Program Evaluation — Literature Review. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
Boyle, F. M., Maravilla, J. C., Dean, J., Lohan, A., Thomas, N. and Salom, C. (2021). DFV Specialist Health Workforce Program Evaluation Plan. Brisbane, QLD Australia: Institute for Social Science Research, The University of Queensland.
Boyle, Fran, Mutch, Allyson, Dean, Julie, Dick, Marie-Louise and Del Mar, Chris (2009). The Contribution of Consumer Health Organisations to Chronic Disease Self Management in the Context of Primary Care. Canberra ACT: Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute.
Bush, Robert, Dower, Jo, Dean, Julie, Tomkins, Elly, Correa-Velez, Ignacio and Colmar Brunton Social Research (2003). Review of 100% in control: Report to Public Health Services, Queensland Health. Queensland: Queensland Health.