This project will examine the prevalence of positive parental and community engagement with State schools in Queensland and develop models and strategies to improve school engagement.

While previous research has shown that parental and community engagement with schools and student learning has a positive effect on the academic achievements and behavioural outcomes of students, there is little known about which engagement strategies are the most effective and why some parents are disengaged with schools.

This research project asks: how do parents and communities currently engage with Queensland schools? What are the barriers to engagement, and how can school support organisations like P&C Queensland best encourage more parents and communities to get involved?

During 2014, the research team will begin to develop the surveys and pilot these in selected schools. If the research team is successful in securing the additional funding, the larger project will involve surveys and face-to-face meetings with education stakeholders from all levels and staff from at least 500 P&C Associations across Queensland.

The significant feedback from stakeholders will help us to identify, develop and trial effective processes for increased engagement. It is anticipated that the uptake of these processes within schools will increase parent and community engagement and positively impact student outcomes.

For more information, updates and useful links, please visit our website.


  • Develop effective ways of measuring parent and community engagement in State schools.
  • Determine the current levels of parent and community engagement and identify the barriers that reduce or compromise engagement.
  • Identify models of effective parent and community engagement that are resulting in better student outcomes.
  • Develop guidelines and processes to improve parent and community engagement.
  • Pilot the implementation of best support practices/processes in selected schools.
  • Enrich the debate on parental school engagement.

Project team

Project details

Duration: January 2014–December 2014


  • P&Cs Queensland
  • Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE)

Funding: CIEF, QCSSI

Contact: Dr Jenny Povey (