ISSR examined the effectiveness of Brisbane Common Ground, a supportive housing project that provides people experiencing chronic homelessness with access to secure, long-term accommodation and the relevant supporting services to assist them transition out of homelessness permanently. The study looked closely at the impact this supportive housing project had on the lives of the tenants, support staff and the community as a whole.

Researchers used a variety of evaluation methods including post-occupancy evaluation of the design and built environment (such as participant observations and behavioural mapping), longitudinal surveys with tenants on their lived experience and personal outcomes over time, and cost-effectiveness analysis of administrative records.


  • Identify what constitutes the practical implementation of Common Ground
  • Understand how Common Ground is experienced, perceived and approach by people living and working in it; and
  • Examine effectiveness in permanently ending homelessness.


  • The evaluation found that the Brisbane Common Ground initiative successfully assists chronically homeless people to maintain secure housing and improve their health, well-being, social and economic outcomes
  • The community saved $13,100 annually per tenant through savings from services used by the chronically homeless
  • Tenants from this supportive housing flagship reported feeling a sense of home, being supported, connected and safe

Project team

Project details

Duration: January 2013–January 2015


  • Queensland Government Department of Housing and Public Works
  • Common Ground Queensland
  • Micah Projects

Funding: Queensland Government Department of Housing and Public Works

Contact: Associate Professor Cameron Parsell (