Congratulations: Four ISSR researchers recognised through UQ promotions

16 Nov 2017

ISSR congratulates four of its esteemed researchers who were successful in the 2017 UQ academic promotions process. This rigourous examination of research performance resulted in a well-deserved recognition of these current and emerging leaders within the Institute.


Promotions to Associate Professor require demonstrated evidence of quality and impact of their work, such as through publication in internationally recognised outlets and/or impact on policy, practice or commercialisation endeavours. 2017 promotions to this category include:

  • Cameron Parsell, ARC DECRA Research fellow and ISSR Homelessness group leader
  • Jason Ferris, NHMRC Postdoctoral research fellow and drug and alcohol epidemiologist

Promotions to Research Fellow were awarded to two of ISSR's postdoctoral fellows who would have had to demonstrate external engagement along with national recognition through their records of publication in high-quality outlets.

  • Chris Ambrey, economist with a focus on the wellbeing of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups
  • Renee Zahnow, criminologist with a focus on drugs and alcohol related social issues

