Helping immigrant and ethnic populations to thrive through inclusive research and evaluation.
What we do
Everyone has the right to belong, feel welcome, valued, and safe. At ISSR, we are committed to contributing to improved and positive outcomes for immigrant and ethnic populations in Australia and use inclusive and rigorous qualitative and quantitative research methods to understand and enhance integration and settlement outcomes for these communities.
We work closely with communities, government, and non-government partners to identify and access relevant data across social policy, health, education, employment, social justice, and families and communities to foster a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding immigrant and ethnic populations, and inform policy and programs designed to provide more equitable opportunities and outcomes for all individuals, regardless of their background or circumstances.
- Generate evidence to inform social policies relating to immigrants and ethnic minorities.
- Generate evidence to inform policies designed to reduce inequality and disadvantage among immigrant and ethnic minority communities.
- Develop program logics to explain change and collect evidence to evaluate programs.
- Provide evidence to inform interventions in social work and the human services.
Project examples
- Evaluation of the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot and Community Support Program
Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
- Understanding Client Voice in Humanitarian Settlement
Multicultural Australia
- Evaluation of domestic violence among refugees and migrants
Multicultural Australia
- Yarrabilba Community Hub Outcomes
Queensland Department of State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning