The aim of this project is to examine research utilisation within public sector agencies in Australia at both state and national levels, focusing on agencies whose responsibilities include human service policies and programs. The central issue to be investigated is the processes, practices and circumstances that facilitate or hinder the uptake and adoption of academic social research within policy contexts. This project will also serve to inform the Australian government, human service policy divisions and the academic community about enhancing the uptake of social research and ways to improve research partnerships between social scientists and external partners.

Presentations for Partner agencies

Dept of Human Services - 1 Mar 2013 (PDF 3.8MB)

Dept of Education, Training & Employment - 26 Feb 2013 (PDF 2.6MB)

The University of Queensland - 25 Jul 2012 (PDF 3.6MB)

Linkage Partners
The Productivity Commission

The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of microeconomic, social and environmental issues. Its role is essentially to help governments make better policies in the long term interest of the Australian community. In fulfilling this role, it makes intensive use of social science research. The Productivity Commission also has a keen interest in strengthening the analytical and evidence base for policy advice.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is the central statistical authority for the Australian Government, and a provider of statistical services to the state and territory governments. The ABS has a key interest in ensuring there is a strong and relevant evidence base for governments, researchers and the community.

Queensland Health

Queensland Health is the major funder and provider of public sector health services in Queensland. As part of its role in supporting Queensland Government decision-making Queensland Health develops policy and strategy options which are underpinned by research on effectiveness, efficiency, best practice and likely social impact. As a largely human services agency Queensland Health has a major need for social research.

Queensland Dept of Communities

Queensland Dept of Communities plays an important role in providing direct and indirect housing assistance, and in influencing the overall housing system within Queensland to improve people’s lives through housing and community renewal. The department is supportive of high quality research in the social sciences to address significant policy and program challenges.

Queensland Dept of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation

The Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development & Innovation is a major provider and user of policy and program services. It is committed to a strong emphasis on the quality and relevance of research as a basic for its policy development and program review activities, seeking always to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of its internal processes and its services.

Queensland Dept of the Premier and Cabinet

The Queensland Department of the Premier and Cabinet (DPC) is the primary policy coordination agency for the Queensland Government. As such DPC has a special interest in the quality of policy development across the public sector, and a particular interest in obtaining research findings about the current forms of research use and suggestions for improvement based on good practice internationally.

Victorian Dept of Planning and Community Development (DPCD)

The Victorian Dept of Planning & Community Development (DPCD) supports the development of liveable communities, better access to housing, infrastructure and services, and increased opportunities for community participation.

Victorian Dept of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD)

The Victorian Dept of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) provides services to children and young people and aims to ensure a high-quality and coherent birth-to-adulthood learning and development system. DEECD provides policy advice to Ministers about education, early childhood development and children's services in general, implements Victorian Government policy on early childhood services, and implements Victorian Government policy on school education for all school age students.

Victorian Dept of Human Services (DHS)

The Department of Human Services (DHS) supports Victorians most in need to live safe, happy and fulfilling lives. DHS plans, funds and delivers community and housing services, directly and with community sector partners. The department’s services are in line with the government's vision for making Victoria a stronger, more caring and innovative state.

Collaborating Organisations
  • Treasury (Federal)
  • Dept of Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Dept of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA)
  • Dept of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)
  • Queensland Treasury and Trade
  • Queensland Education, Training and Employment (DETE)
  • Victorian Dept of Premier and Cabinet
  • Victorian Dept of Health
  • NSW Dept of Premier and Cabinet
  • NSW Treasury
  • NSW Dept of Education and Communities
  • NSW Dept of Family and Community Services