ISSR's employment area of research explores issues relating to work quality, labour markets, human capital and skill needs. We seek to understand the social arrangements and institutions that shape patterns of education and employment in Australia, and translate this into policy development and application efforts.
Paid work has a major impact on the most important opportunities and experiences in almost everyone’s life. Some of the key discovery aims in our employment research projects are:
- The impact of education and employment on individuals, including income, health, happiness and social contribution
- The influence of contextual factors such as family situation, and wider social issues on education, employment and labour markets
- How work is organised and could be reorganised
What is the TTL Fund?
The Try, Test and Learn (TTL) Fund was established in 2016 to design, implement and test new ideas or policy responses to improve workforce participation or work capacity for priority groups identified as being at high risk of long-term welfare dependence. Drawing on insights from the Australian Priority Investment Approach to Welfare, the fund supports projects aimed at developing, implementing and trialling new and innovative ways to assist some of the most vulnerable in society onto a path towards stable, sustainable independence.
ISSR Evidence Validated Paid Parental Leave Scheme
The Australian Government commissioned ISSR to undertake one of the then largest evaluations of public policy. The evaluation examined the operation of the Paid Parental Leave scheme, a program of support payments made to new parents, and its impact on a range of outcomes, including mothers’ and fathers’ leave taking, the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies, mothers labour force participation, and gender equity and work-life balance.
Our analysis found PPL to be a success, contributing to greater workforce participation and improved health and wellbeing for mothers, and positive family and social outcomes for the entire family unit.
Millennium mums survey: Enhancing mothers’ engagement with the workforce in the preschool years
The Millennium Mums project is a national study of working mothers who had babies in October and November 2011. The project examines their experiences with leave from their employer and decisions about paid employment, as well as family life, health and wellbeing around the birth of their baby.... Read more
Paid parental leave evaluation
The evaluation examines the operation of the paid parental leave (PPL) scheme, and its impact on a range of outcomes, including mothers’ and fathers’ leave taking, the health and wellbeing of mothers and babies, mothers labour force participation, and gender equity and work-life balance.... Read more
Dad and partner pay evaluation
The project is an evaluation of the Australian Government’s Dad and Partner Pay (DaPP) scheme. DaPP aims to create new opportunities for fathers and partners to bond with their newborn child, and allow them to take a larger share of caring responsibilities for their newborn children.... Read more
The impact of the place of living on social participation and wellbeing in older age
This study explores the links between place of living, social participation and wellbeing at older age using data from large-scale panel surveys covering Australia and a range of other countries. Environmental conditions, such as housing and neighbourhood conditions, can impact on societal participation by older people.... Read more